
There are certain chefs that I like more than others.  I’ve tried various websites, cookbooks and come down to a few who’s techniques I can follow and whose results are what they’re supposed to be.  I hate it when I try a recipe and it just does not come out the way it says in the book.  I end up going through the recipe and trying to figure out what went wrong and then correct it for next time.  Why am I making all the effort when the author should have done their homework and corrected the recipe in the first place.

Well, to make things easier on you, here are some of my favorite chefs and websites.

Jamie Oliver is on top of my list.  I really admire this guy for taking on the school food industry.  He is trying to get everyone to be healthy and that’s not easy.  I have pretty much all his recipe books and they are true to their word.  His recipes are easy to follow and come out as in the book, DELICIOUS!  Hats off to you, Jamie Oliver for starting a revolution!

Gordon Ramsay, a close second.  When I first saw Gordon Ramsay, he was screaming at some chefs on tv.  Didn’t like him and didn’t try his recipes….until one day I watched Gordon Ramsay’s Great Escape to India.  If you haven’t seen it and you are a Southeast Asian or a foodie, then you have been deprived.  He has a book too which has some of the recipes but you can catch the episodes on You Tube.  They’re all there, don’t miss out anymore.

There is one documentary that I have to mention here that changed our family’s life forever.  And that is Food Inc.  If you have not seen this movie, then I don’t know which cave you’ve been living in. Seriously, there is a food revolution going on if you haven’t noticed.  We don’t know where our food is coming from and its high time we started asking questions.  The food industry is already catching on that we don’t want additivies, artificial ingredients, food colors and high fructose corn syrup in our food.  Those who aren’t catching on are going to get left behind, believe me.  That is why, Brilliant Cakes uses no high fructose corn syrup.  All desserts are prepared with natural and organic ingredients, alcohol-free and artificial food color free.

Through my culinary travels, I have had the privelege of meeting some wonderful pastry chefs right here in Dallas.  Here are links to their websites.  I need not say much about them as they are award winning tv celebrity chefs.

Bronwen Weber – Frosted Art

Lauren Kitchens – Fancy Cakes by Lauren

Dawn Parrott

Sylvia Wilson – Food Network Challenge Winner – Star Wars cakes

Chef Michelle Brown – my teacher and mentor

Amy Green – Simply Sugar and Gluten-free – a fellow student and food author




Some nice blogs that I have come across and whom I personally know as ‘good people’.

My friend’s sister has a lovely blog about her life with her family, cooking, playing and writing about it.  Visit her website and you may just win a giveaway Little Life of Mine.

A childhood friend has recently started a small business making candy wrappers and other decorative items.  I just ordered some candy wrappers from her for Eid and mashallah, she has done an amazing job.  Try her out and kick it ‘Up A Notch‘.

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